6. August 2009 by
Gorazd Jernejc
Last modification: 3.
September 2009
Multi-Thread Read/Write Conflict Optimised Ring Buffer, Queue And Stack For
Delphi Pascal.
On Internet we can find a lot of ring buffer lock-free solutions, but
the speed/reliability is more or less critical!
This RingBuffer is
consequence of cooperation with OmniThreadLibry
Here I will introduce fast lock-free ring
buffer structure, which can be base for other lock free structures, such a
queue or a stack.
Let's take a look to
the following diagram of RingBuffer visualization:
Ring Buffer will
store only a pointer (PDATA or link) of some memory locations, and of course
our RingBuffer isn't ideal so it is limited by maximum length defined at
Initialize. All informations about RingBuffer are stored in TRingBuffer
TRingBuffer = record
: TReferencedPtr;
: TReferencedPtr;
: integer;
: pointer;
: record end;
end; { TgjRingBuffer }
Variable Left
points on utmost left link of ring buffer. The Right variable points on
utmost right first, free link in reserved memory. When Left and Right
have the same value the RingBuffer is empty.
When we are calling
function InsertLeft then at first decrement Left pointer, after
that we compare Left and Right pointers, if there are the same,
then RingBuffer is full, at last we will copy link location. Certainly
all this operation is lock-free and without multi threads conflict like ABA.
Length is a maximum number of Link-s stored in RingBuffer.
EndBuffer is pointer on last link in reserved memory.
Buffer is pointer on allocated memory in which is stored our
RingBuffer. Any link in Buffer is composed from pointer
(PDATA or link) and Reference, look TReferencedPtr. Reference
is used to prevent ABA
TgjRingBuffer = class(TObject)
strict private
rbRingBuffer : PRingBuffer;
rbRingBufferMemPtr: pointer;
var rbLoopTicks: cardinal;
procedure MeasureExecutionTimes;
procedure Empty; inline;
GetLength: integer;
destructor Destroy; override;
function Count: integer; inline;
procedure Initialize(const
Length: integer);
function InsertLeft(const link: pointer): integer; inline;
function InsertRight(const link: pointer): integer; inline;
function RemoveLeft(var link: pointer): integer; inline;
function RemoveRight(var link: pointer): integer; inline;
property Length: integer read GetLength;
end; { TgjRingBuffer }
Use of the TgjRingBuffer
object is very simple:
RingBuffer has all properties of Queue so Dequeue
and Enqueue are just inherited.
function TgjQueue.Dequeue(var link: pointer): integer;
result := inherited
end; { TgjQueue.Dequeue }
function TgjQueue.Enqueue(const link: pointer):
result := inherited InsertLeft(link);
end; { TgjQueue.Enqueue }
RingBuffer has also all properties of Stack. The situation is
similar as at queue. Check the source code for implementation.
1) RingBuffer
is intended for multi-core CPUs and use XMM instructions so CPU must support SSE2. The minimum CPU level is
Pentium 4.
2) RingBuffer sprce
is written for Delphi 2007.
Test program works on
MS WIN XP or higher MS OS!
Reader and writer
tasks are very simple to rich maximum data bandwidth between threads.
On may computer:
QuadCore Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600, 2400 MHz and memory DDR2-800 (400 MHz) is typical
bandwidth higher then 1.000.000 links (msg) per second. Test program support up
to 128 Read and up to 128 write tasks.
If we run all 256
Read and Write tasks the bandwidth is still more than 1.000.000 msg/s!
1.00: 4. August 2009
· First official release.
1.01: 17. August 2009
· TgjRingBuffer.Initialize: Ensured 16-byte buffer
· Added SSE2 test in initialization section.
1.02: 20. August 2009
· TgjRingBuffer.Length is stored now in TRingBuffer
· TgjRingBuffer.Count: Now call faster
1.03: 27. August 2009
· Functions InsertLeft, InsertRight, RemoveLeft and
RemoveRight now return the current position in ring buffer. If buffer is full
or empty than will return 0.
3. September 2009
Added ring buffer
flow queue test.
DOWNLOAD: RingBuffer.zip